Protest and Rally Days in Athens

Debating myself in the Ancient Agora in Athens. I turned my own case.

Greek Front of Resistance and Solidarity for Palestine.  Protesting the EastMed Natural Gas Pipeline that will extract gas from the Gaza Strip.  Syntagma Square.


On the wall at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Below is a typical street in Exarchia.  Police do not enter this area unless they have to.


2018 Woman's March in Athens.  We marched from Syntagma to the University.

That's me - to the right, with Vish, another Fulbright researcher on the far right.

Update:  Feb. 4th, 2018.  Athens:  Macedonia is Greece Rally.

Many, if most (?), Greeks oppose the use of the word or identifier, Macedonia, to be used any where other than Greece.  FYROM - to the North, has currently Macedonia in their name, since their creation back in the 90s.  The Greek government is using EU power to leverage FYROM to change their name.  Moderates are tying to allow the use of the name with a clear delineation that they are not "really" Macedonia or do not and will not have any claim to the Greek Macedonia area - which many are afraid might actually happen - creating a geo-political crisis or even war.

I could not even get into Syntagma Square - but notice the very large Greek flag hanging from the crane.  That night, there were conflicting numbers of 140, 000 - 1.5 million people that attended.  (Reference the Trump inauguration numbers issue and how to scientifically count crowds.)


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